Audio Hukumnama

Katha of Hukumnama

[October 5, 2015, Monday 05:15 AM. IST]
vfhMsu mhlw 1 ]
krhu dieAw qyrw nwmu vKwxw ] sB aupweIAY Awip Awpy srb smwxw ] srby smwxw Awip qUhY aupwie DMDY lweIAw ] ieik quJu hI kIey rwjy ieknw iBK BvweIAw ] loBu mohu quJu kIAw mITw eyqu Brim Bulwxw ] sdw dieAw krhu ApxI qwim nwmu vKwxw ]1] nwmu qyrw hY swcw sdw mY min Bwxw ] dUKu gieAw suKu Awie smwxw ] gwvin suir nr suGV sujwxw ] suir nr suGV sujwx gwvih jo qyrY min Bwvhy ] mwieAw mohy cyqih nwhI Aihlw jnmu gvwvhy ] ieik mUV mugD n cyqih mUly jo AwieAw iqsu jwxw ] nwm qyrw sdw swcw soie mY min Bwxw ]2] qyrw vKqu suhwvw AMimRqu qyrI bwxI ] syvk syvih Bwau kir lwgw swau prwxI ] swau pRwxI iqnw lwgw ijnI AMimRqu pwieAw ] nwim qyrY joie rwqy inq cVih svwieAw ] ieku krmu Drmu n hoie sMjmu jwim n eyku pCwxI ] vKqu suhwvw sdw qyrw AMimRq qyrI bwxI ]3] hau bilhwrI swcy nwvY ] rwju qyrw kbhu n jwvY ] rwjo q qyrw sdw inhclu eyhu kbhu n jwvey ] cwkru q qyrw soie hovY joie shij smwvey ] dusmnu q dUKu n lgY mUly pwpu nyiV n Awvey ] hau bilhwrI sdw hovw eyk qyry nwvey ]4] jugh jugMqir Bgq qumwry ] kIriq krih suAwmI qyrY duAwry ] jpih q swcw eyku murwry ] swcw murwry qwim jwpih jwim mMin vswvhy ] Brmo Bulwvw quJih kIAw jwim eyhu cukwvhy ] gur prswdI krhu ikrpw lyhu jmhu aubwry ] jugh jugMqir Bgq qumwry ]5] vfy myry swihbw AlK Apwrw ] ikau kir krau bynµqI hau AwiK n jwxw ] ndir krih qw swcu pCwxw ] swco pCwxw qwim qyrw jwim Awip buJwvhy ] dUK BUK sMswir kIey shsw eyhu cukwvhy ] ibnvMiq nwnku jwie shsw buJY gur bIcwrw ] vfw swihbu hY Awip AlK Apwrw ]6] qyry bMky loiex dMq rIswlw ] sohxy nk ijn lµmVy vwlw ] kMcn kwieAw suieny kI Fwlw ] sovMn Fwlw ik®sn mwlw jphu qusI shylIho ] jm duAwir n hohu KVIAw isK suxhu mhylIho ] hMs hMsw bg bgw lhY mn kI jwlw ] bMky loiex dMq rIswlw ]7] qyrI cwl suhwvI mDurwVI bwxI ] kuhkin koiklw qrl juAwxI ] qrlw juAwxI Awip BwxI ieC mn kI pUrIey ] swrMg ijau pgu DrY iTim Tim Awip Awpu sMDUrey ] sRIrMg rwqI iPrY mwqI audku gMgw vwxI ] ibnvMiq nwnku dwsu hir kw qyrI cwl suhwvI mDurwVI bwxI ]8]2]
somvwr, 19 A`sU (sMmq 547 nwnkSwhI)
(AMg: 566)
hy pRBU! myhr kr ik mYN qyrw nwm ismr skW [ qUM swrI isRStI Awp hI pYdw kIqI hY qy Awp hI sB jIvW ivc ivAwpk hYN [ qUM Awp hI sB jIvW ivc smwieAw hoieAw hYN, pYdw kr ky qUM Awp hI isRStI ƒ mwieAw dI dOV-B`j ivc lwieAw hoieAw hY [ keI jIvW ƒ qUM Awp hI rwjy bxw id`qw hY, qy keI jIvW ƒ (mMgqy bxw ky) iB`iKAw mMgx vwsqy (dr dr) Bvw irhw hYN [ hy pRBU! qUM loB Aqy moh ƒ im`Tw bxw id`qw hY, jgq ies Btkxw ivc pY ky kurwhy pY irhw hY [ jy qUM sdw AwpxI myhr krdw rhyN qW hI mYN qyrw nwm ismr skdw hW [1[ hy pRBU! qyrw nwm sdw-iQr rihx vwlw hY, qyrw nwm mYƒ mn ivc ipAwrw l`gdw hY [ jyhVw mnu`K qyrw nwm ismrdw hY aus dw duK dUr ho jWdw hY qy Awqmk AwnMd aus dy AMdr Aw v`sdw hY [ BwgW vwly suc`jy isAwxy mnu`K qyrI is&iq-swlwh dy gIq gWdy hn [ hy pRBU! jyhVy bMdy qyry mn ivc ipAwry l`gdy hn auh BwgW vwly suc`jy isAwxy qyrI is&iq-swlwh dy gIq gWdy hn [ pr jo mnu`K mwieAw ivc mohy jWdy hn auh qYƒ nhIN ismrdy auh Awpxw Amolk jnm gvw lYNdy hn [ AnykW AYsy mUrK mnu`K hn jo, hy pRBU! qYƒ Xwd nhIN krdy (auh ieh nhIN smJdy ik) jyhVw jgq ivc jMimAw hY aus ny (Aw^r ieQoN) cly jwxw hY [ hy pRBU! qyrw nwm sdw hI iQr rihx vwlw hY, qyrw nwm myry mn ivc ipAwrw l`g irhw hY [2[ hy pRBU! qyrI is&iq-swlwh dI bwxI AMimRq hY (At`l Awqmk jIvn dyx vwlI hY) auh vkq bhuq suhwvxw l`gdw hY jdoN qyrw nwm cyqy krIdw hY [ ijnHW bMidAW ƒ qyry nwm dw rs AwauNdw hY auh syvk pRym nwl qyrw nwm ismrdy hn [ auhnW hI bMidAW ƒ nwm dw rs AwauNdw hY ijnHW ƒ ieh nwm-AMimRq pRwpq huMdw hY [ hy pRBU! jyhVy bMdy qyry nwm ivc juVdy hn auh (Awqmk jIvn dI au~nqI ivc) sdw vDdy Pu`ldy rihMdy hn [ hy pRBU! jdoN qk mYN iek qyry nwl fUMGI sWJ nhIN pWdw qdoN qk hor koeI ie`k BI Drm-krm koeI ie`k BI sMjm iksy ArQ nhIN [ qyrI is&iq-swlwh dI bwxI Awqmk jIvn-dwqI hY, auh vylw bhuq suhwvxw l`gdw hY jdoN qyrw nwm ismrIdw hY [3[ hy pRBU! mYN qyry sdw-iQr rihx vwly nwm qoN kurbwn jWdw hW [ qyrw rwj kdy BI nws hox vwlw nhIN hY [ hy pRBU! qyrw rwj sdw At`l rihx vwlw hY, ieh kdy BI nws nhIN ho skdw [ auhI mnu`K qyrw Asl Bgq-syvk hY jo (qyrw nwm ismr ky) Awqmk Afolqw ivc itikAw rihMdw hY [ koeI vYrI koeI du`K kdy BI aus dw lwgU nhIN ho skdw, koeI pwp aus dy nyVy nhIN Fukdw [ hy pRBU! mYN sdw qyry hI nwm qoN sdky jWdw hW [4[ hy pRBU! hryk jug ivc hI qyry Bgq mOjUd rhy hn, jo, hy suAwmI! qyry dr qy qyrI is&iq-swlwh krdy hn, jo sdw qYƒ hI sdw-iQr pRBU ƒ ismrdy hn [ hy pRBU! qYƒ sdw-iQr ƒ auh qdoN hI jp skdy hn jdoN qUM Awp auhnW dy mn ivc Awpxw nwm vsWdw hYN, jdoN qUM auhnW dy mn ivcoN mwieAw vwlI Btkxw dUr krdw hYN jo qUM Awp hI pYdw kIqI hoeI hY [ hy pRBU! gurU dI ikrpw dI rwhIN qUM Awpxy BgqW au~qy myhr krdw hYN, qy auhnW ƒ jmW qoN bcw lYNdw hYN [ hryk jug ivc hI qyry Bgq-syvk mOjUd rhy hn [5[ hy myry v`fy mwlk! hy Aid®St mwlk! hy byAMq mwlk! mYN (qyry dr qy) ikvyN bynqI krW? mYƒ qW bynqI krnI BI nhIN AwauNdI [ jy qUM Awp (myry auqy) myhr dI ingwh kryN qW hI mYN qyry sdw-iQr nwm nwl sWJ pw skdw hW [ qyrw sdw-iQr nwm mYN qdoN hI pCwx skdw hW (qdoN hI ies dI kdr pw skdw hW) jdoN qUM Awp mYƒ ieh sUJ b^SyN, jdoN qUM myry mn ivcoN mwieAw dI iq®Snw Aqy (ies qoN pYdw hox vwly) auhnW du`KW dw sihm dUr kryN jyhVy ik jgq ivc qUM Awp hI pYdw kIqy hoey hn [ nwnk bynqI krdw hY ik jdoN mnu`K gurU dy Sbd dI ivcwr smJdw hY qW (ies dy AMdroN du`K AwidkW dw) sihm dUr ho jWdw hY (Aqy XkIn bx jWdw hY ik) Aid®St qy byAMq pRBU Awp (sB jIvW dy isr auqy) v`fw mwlk hY [6[ (hy srb-ivAwpk isrjxhwr! jgq dI swrI suMdrqw qUM hI Awpxy srUp qoN rcI hY [ qUM auh auh iesq®I mrd pYdw kIqy hn ijnHW dy nYx dMd n`k kys Awidk swry hI AMg mhwn suMdr hn [ auhnW ivc, hy pRBU! qUM Awp hI bYTw jIvn-joiq jgw irhw hYN [ so) hy pRBU! qyry nYx bWky hn, qyry dMd sohxy hn, qyrw n`k sohxw hY, qyry sohxy lMmy kys hn (ijnHW dy sohxy n`k hn, ijnHW dy sohxy lMmy kys hn; ieh BI, hy pRBU! qyry hI n`k qyry hI kys hn) [ hy pRBU! qyrw srIr sony vrgw su`D Arog hY qy sufOl hY, mwno, sony ivc hI FilAw hoieAw hY[ hy shylIho! (hy sqsMgI s`jxo! qusI aus prmwqmw (dy nwm) dI mwlw jpo (aus prmwqmw dw nwm muV muV jpo) ijs dw srIr Arog qy sufOl hY, mwno, sony ivc FilAw hoieAw hY [ hy jIv-iesq®IE! myrI is`iKAw suxo [ (jy qusI aus Arog qy sufOl srUp vwly srb-ivAwpk isrjxhwr dw nwm jpo gIAW, qW) qusI (AMq vyly) jm-rwj dy drvwzy qy KVIAW nhIN hovogIAW [ (jyhVy bMdy aus prmwqmw dw nwm jpdy hn auhnW dy) mn qoN ivkwrW dI mYl lih jWdI hY [ (ismrn dI brkiq nwl (mhw pwKMfI bgilAW qoN sRySt hMs bx jWdy hn (pKMfI bMidAW qoN au~cy jIvn vwly gurmuK bx jWdy hn) [ hy shylIho! (aus srb-ivAwpk pRBU dy) sohxy nYx hn, sohxy dMd hn (ies id`sdy sMswr dI swrI hI suMdrqw dw somw pRBU Awp hI hY) [7[ (ikqy im`TI vYrwg-BrI sur ivc koielW kUk rhIAW hn, ikqy cMcl jvwnI dy md-BrIAW suMdrIAW hn jo msq hwQI vWg bVI mtk nwl qurdIAW hn [ hy pRBU! ieh koiel dI im`TI bolI qy cMcl jvwnI dw md sB kuJ qUM Awp hI pYdw kIqw hY [ so hy pRBU!) qyrI (msq) cwl (mn ƒ) suK dyx vwlI hY, qyrI bolI sohxI im`TI im`TI hY [ (qyrIAW hI pYdw kIqIAW) koielW im`TI (vYrwg-BrI sur ivc) kUk rhIAW hn, (qyrIAW hI pYdw kIqIAW) cMcl jvwnI dy md-BrIAW suMdrIAW hn [ ieh cMcl juAwnI pRBU ny Awp hI pYdw kIqI, aus ƒ Awp ƒ hI ies dw pYdw krnw cMgw l`gw, aus ny Awpxy hI mn dI ie`Cw pUrI kIqI [ (cMcl jvwnI dy md-m`qI suMdrI ivc bYT ky pRBU Awp hI) msq hwQI vWg bVI mtk nwl pYr Drdw hY, auh Awp hI Awpxy Awp ƒ (jvwnI dy md ivc) msq kr irhw hY [ (pRBU dI AwpxI hI ikrpw nwl koeI vf-Bwgx jIv-iesq®I aus) l`CmI-pqI dy pRym-rMg ivc rMgI hoeI (aus dy nwm ivc) msq iPrdI hY, (aus dw jIvn pivq® ho jWdw hY) ijvyN gMgw dw pwxI (pivq® mMinAw jWdw hY) [ hrI dw dws nwnk bynqI krdw hY—hy pRBU! qyrI cwl suhwvxI hY qy qyrI bolI im`TI im`TI hY [8[2[
Show mercy to me, that I may chant Your Name. You Yourself created all, and You are permeating all. You Yourself are permeating all, and You enjoin them to their tasks. Some, You have made kings, while others wander around begging. You have made greed and emotional attachment seem sweet; they are deluded by this delusion. Be forever merciful to me; only then can I chant Your Name. || 1 || Your Name is True, and forever pleasing to my mind. My pain is dispelled, and I am permeated with peace. The angels, the mortal beings, the wise and the enlightened sing of You. The angels, the mortal beings, the wise and the enlightened sing of You; they are pleasing to Your Mind. Enticed by Maya, they do not remember; they waste away their lives in vain. Some fools and idiots never remember; whoever has come, shall have to go. Your Name is forever True, and pleasing to my mind. || 2 || Beauteous and blessed is Your time; the Bani of Your Word is Ambrosial Nectar. Your servants serve You with love; these mortals are attached to Your taste. Those mortals are attached to Your taste, who are blessed with the Ambrosial Name. Those who are attuned to Your Name prosper more and more, day by day. Some do not practice good deeds or live righteously; they do not practice self-discipline, and they do not realize the One. Forever blessed and beauteous is Your time; the Bani of Your Word is Ambrosial Nectar. || 3 || I am a sacrifice to the True Name. Your rule shall never end. Your rule is eternal and unchanging; it shall never come to an end. He alone becomes Your servant, who contemplates You in peaceful ease. Enemies and pain shall never touch him, and sin shall never come close to him. I am forever a sacrifice to the One Lord, and Your Name. || 4 || Throughout the ages, Your devotees sing Your Praises, O Lord Master, at Your Door. They meditate on the One True Lord. They meditate on the True Lord, when they enshrine Him in their minds. Doubt and delusion are Your making; when these are dispelled, then, by Guru’s Grace, You grant Your Grace, and save them from the noose of Death. Throughout the ages, they are Your devotees. || 5 || O my Great Lord and Master, You are unknowable and infinite. How should I make and offer my prayer? I do not know what to say. If You bless me with Your Glance of Grace, then I realize the Truth. I come to realize the Truth, when You Yourself instruct me. The pain and hunger of the world are Your making; please eradicate this skepticism. Prays Nanak, skepticism is taken away, when one understands the Guru’s wisdom. The Great Lord and Master is unknowable and infinite. || 6 || Your eyes are beautiful, and Your teeth are delightful. Your nose is graceful, and Your hair is so long. Your body is precious, cast in gold. His body is cast in gold, and He wears Krishna’s mala; meditate on Him, O sisters. You shall not have to stand at Death’s door, O sisters, if you listen to these teachings. From a crane, you shall be transformed into a swan, and the filth of your mind shall be removed. Your eyes are beautiful, and Your teeth are delightful. || 7 || Your walk is graceful, and Your speech is sweet. You coo like a songbird, and your youthful beauty is alluring. Your youthful beauty is so alluring; it pleases You and fulfills the mind’s desires. Like an elephant, You step with Your Feet so carefully; You are pleased with Yourself. She who is imbued with the Love of such a Great Lord, flows intoxicated, like the waters of the Ganges. Prays Nanak, I am Your slave, O Lord; Your walk is graceful, and Your speech is sweet. || 8 || 2 ||
Monday, 19th Assu (Samvat 547 Nanakshahi)
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