Gurbani Raags

Other six raga names mentioned/used in Guru Granth Sahib are:

    • Asawari*
    • Lalit*
    • Hindol*
    • Vibas
    • Kafi
    • Bhopali

The ragas marked with asterix (*) sign mentioned above are listed in Guru Granth Sahib's ragamala, which has a mention of a total of 64 raga names, including 6 major ragas, 30 raginis and 48 sons of ragas. Thus out of a total of 64 ragas mentioned in the ragamala, the Sikh Gurus have used only 20 (17 major names, and 3 other raga names) ragas and have used 17 (14 major names and 3 other names) other ragas which are not mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib's ragamala.

Specialist Terminology to understand musical terms used in the following pages.

1. Thaat- The tune of seven ascending and descending notes is called 'Thath oio' ,

  • A Thaat must have seven notes out of the twelve notes [Seven Shuddha, Four komal (Re, Ga, Dha , Ni), one teevra (Ma) ], placed in an ascending order. Both the forms of the notes can be used.
  • Thaat has only an Aaroha.
  • Thaats are not sung but the raags produced from the Thaats are sung.
  • Thaats are named after the popular raag of that Thaat. For example Bhairavi is a popular raag and the thaat of the raag Bhairavi is named after the raag.

The music books record ten basic thaats:

2. Arohi - The ascending scale (sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa) .This is the pattern of notes in which a Raag ascends the scale.
3. Avrohi - The descending scale (sa ni dha pa ma ga re sa) This is the pattern of notes in which a Raag decends the scale.
4. Vadi- The most popular note ,This is a note which is strongly emphasised within a particular Raag.
5. Samvadi- The second most popular note,This is a note which is emphasised within a particular Raag, but not as much as the Vadi.
6. Aurav- A raga of five notes
7. Khaurav- A raga of six notes
8. Sampooran- A raga of seven notes
9. Aurav-Khaurav- Where arohi has five notes, but avrohi has six notes.
10. Khaurav-Aurav- Where arohi has six notes, but avrohi has five notes.
11. Aurav-Sampooran- Where arohi has five notes, but avrohi has seven notes
12. Khaurav-Sampooran- Where arohi has six notes, but avrohi has seven notes.
13. Sampooran-Aurav- Where arohi has seven notes, but avrohi has five notes.
14. Sampooran-Khaurav- Where arohi has seven notes, but avrohi has six notes.
15. Saptaks - This refers to three divisions of a harmonium

    • Mandar - first (top) part of seven notes
    • Middle - central part of seven notes
    • Tar - last part of seven notes.

16. The notes can be soft (komal) or sharp (teever)

Musical terms regarding a presentation of a raag in vocal style

1.Sthayee : The first part of the composition. Mainly develops in the the lower and the middle octave.
2.Antaraa : Second part of the composition. Develops in the middle or higher note.
3.Mukhadaa : The first line of the composition.

Common Themes of Shabads placed under Raags of Guru Granth Sahib

    1. Soohi - Being away from home. The soul being away from the House of Lord and the joy of meeting the true husband.
    2. Bilaaval - beautification of soul, happiness.
    3. Gaund - Separation, union, surprise.
    4. Sri - Maya and detachment
    5. Maajh - yearning to merge with Lord, giving up of negative values.
    6. Gauri - Principles, serious, thoughtfulness, composed
    7. Aasa - Hope
    8. Gujri - Prayer (Pooja)
    9. Devgandhari - Merging with spouse, self - realization
    10. Bihaagra - Yearning due to separation of soul and happiness due to meeting the Lord.
    11. Sorath - Merits of God
    12. Dhanasari - Mixed theme
    13. Jaitsree - Stability
    14. Todi - Maya, separation
    15. Bairagi - motivation to sing praises of Lord
    16. Tilang - many words from the vocabulary of Islamic origins are used, sadness, beautification.
    17. Raamkali - to give up the life of a wandering Jogi.
    18. Nat Narayan - Joy of meeting the Lord
    19. Maali Gaura - Happiness
    20. Maaru - Bravery
    21. Tukhari - Separation and union with Lord
    22. Kedara - Love
    23. Bhairav - Man's state of hell
    24. Basant - Happiness
    25. Sarang - Thirst to meet God
    26. Malaar - State of separated and united soul
    27. Jaijawanti - Vairaag (Detachment)
    28. Kalyaan - Bhakti (Prayer) Ras
    29. Vadhans - Vairaag (Detachment)
    30. Parbhati - Bhakti (Prayer)
    31. Kaanra - Bhakti (Prayer)

Feelings communicated by the music of Raags

    1. Soohi - joy and separation
    2. Bilaaval - happiness
    3. Gaund - strangeness, surprise, beauty
    4. Sri - satisfaction and balance
    5. Maajh - loss, beautification
    6. Gauri - seriousness
    7. Aasa - making effort
    8. Gujri - satisfaction, softness of heart, sadness
    9. Devgandhari - no specific feeling but the Raag has a softness
    10. Bihaagra - beautification
    11. Sorath - motivation
    12. Dhanasari - inspiration, motivation
    13. Jaitsree - softness, satisfaction, sadness
    14. Todi - this being a flexible Raag it is apt for communicating many feelings
    15. Bhairaagi - sadness, (Gurus have, however, used it for the message of Bhakti)
    16. Tilang - this is a favourite Raag of Muslims. It denotes feeling of beautification and yearning.
    17. Raamkali - calmness
    18. Nat Narayan - happiness
    19. Maali Gaura - happiness
    20. Maaru - giving up of cowardice
    21. Tukhari - beautification
    22. Kedara - love and beautification
    23. Bhairav - seriousness, brings stability of mind
    24. Basant - happiness
    25. Sarang - sadness
    26. Malaar - separation
    27. Jaijawanti - viraag
    28. Kalyaan - Bhakti Ras
    29. Vadhans - vairaag, loss (that is why Alahniya is sung in this Raag when someone passes away)
    30. Parbhati - Bhakti and seriousness
    31. Kaanra - Bhakti and seriousness

Excerpts taken from:
Guru Granth Sahib: An Advance Study
Dr Sukhbir Singh Kapoor
and other sources