Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
After Banaras he reached Gaya which is a famous Hindu pilgrimage place situated at the river Phalgu (Sarju).
Hindu priests had declared that any offerings made at Gaya especially at the time of Baisakhi would secure
for seven generations of those who had departed from this world. The simple minded people made huge
offerings and
the priests fed the piters (ancestors) by offering rice balls, lighted up little lamps to illuminate their
paths in
the high heavens. The Guru started laughing which made the priests very angry. At that point the Guru
explained that
those who left their bodies on earth, did not need any food nor a glow of lamp to see. If this body could
not go to
the other world, obviously it was not possible for any material substance of this world to reach the other
side. So
the Guru enlightened the people and asked them to worship One God, the Formless.
After Gaya he passed through the area where modern city of Patna stands and reached Hajipur. Passing through
Kantnagar he reached Malda. The town of Malda was situated at the confluence of rivers Ganges and Mahanadi.
It is
reported that a local merchant of Malda did a great service to the Guru for which he received Guru's
blessings. The
next stop was Dhubri in Assam. After Dhubri he proceeded along the Brahmputra river on to Kamrup, a place
near the
modern city of Gauhati. This whole route is marked by many old historical Gurdwaras bearing association with
The city of Kamrup was ruled by a woman of black magic. She had assumed the name of Nurshah, the name of one
whom she had learnt this art. She and her female companions practiced black magic and exorcised strange
powers in
that locality. She owned the whole country around and many a mystic, yogi etc. fell prey to her magical
The Guru stayed under a tree outside the city while Mardana went into the city to get something to eat. On
his way
he met some women and fell victim to their machination, who made a lamb of him. Under mesmeric influence
Mardana did
all what they commanded him to do. He was thus imprisoned by the witchcraft of Nurshah and could not return
to the
Guru. The Guru knew what had happened to his minstreland he started to rescue him from his captors. Nurshah
saw the
Guru coming and tried to captivate him with her charms but her art of magic failed. She found out that her
were of no avail. On their fruitless efforts, the Guru uttered the following Sabad on Kuchaji or the woman
of bad
"I am a worthless woman; in me are faults; how can I go to
enjoy my spouse?
My spouse's wives are one better than the other; O my life,
who careth for me?
My female friends who have enjoyed their Spouse are in the
shade of the mango.
I do not possess their virtues; to whom can I attribute
What attributes of Thine, O Lord, shall I blazon abroad?
What names of Thine shall I repeat?
I cannot even attain one of Thy many excellences: I am ever
a sacrifice unto Thee.
Gold, silver, pearls, and rubies which gladden the heart-
These things the Bridegroom hath given me, and I have fixed
my heart on them.
I had palaces of brick fashioned with marble.
In these luxuries I forgot the Bridegroom and sat not near
The Kulangs cry in the heavens, and the cranes have come to
The woman goeth to her father-in-law's; how shall she show
her face as she proceedeth?
As morning dawned she soundly slept, and forgot her
She separated from Thee, O Spouse, and therefore stored up
grief for herself.
In Thee, O Lord, are merits; in me all demerits: Nanak hath
this one representation to make,
Every night is for the virtuous woman; may I though
unchaste obtain a night also." (Rag Suhi Mohalla 1, p-762)
The Guru also uttered the following Sabad on this occasion:
"In words we are good, but in acts bad.
We are impure-minded and black-hearted, yet we wear the
white robes of innocence.
We envy those who stand and serve at His gate.
They who love the Bridegroom and enjoy the pleasure of His
Are lowly even in their strength, and remain humble.
Nanak, our lives shall be profitable if we meet such women." (Sri Rag ki Var Mohalla
After the Guru uttered these Sabads, Nurshah thought that she would tempt him with wealth. Her
brought pearls, diamonds, gold, silver and laid down before him. She then prayed,"O great magician,
me as thy disciple and teach me thy magic." The Guru rejected all the presents and uttered the
"O silly woman, why art thou proud?
Why enjoyest thou not the love of God in thine own home?
The Spouse is near; O foolish woman, why searchest thou
Put surma needles of God's fear into thine eyes, and wear the
decoration of love.
Thou shalt be known as a devoted happy wife if thou love
the Bridegroom.
What shall a silly woman do if she please not her Spouse?
However much she implore, she may not enter His chamber.
Without God's grace she obtaineth nothing, howsoever she
may strive.
Intoxicated with avarice, covetousness, and pride, she
is absorbed in mammon.
It is not by these means the Bridegroom is obtained; silly
is the woman who thinketh so.
Go and ask the happy wives by what means they obtained
their Spouse-
'Whatever He doeth accept as good; have done with
cleverness and orders,
Apply thy mind to the worship of His feet by whose love
what is most valued is obtained.
Do whatever the Bridegroom biddeth thee; give Him the
body and soul; such perfumes apply.'
Thus speak the happy wives: 'O sister, by these means the
Spouse is obtained.
Efface thyself, so shalt thou obtain the Bridegroom; what
other art is there?'
Only that day is of account when the Bridegroom looketh
with favor; the wife hath then obtained the wealth of
the world.
So who pleaseth her Spouse is the happy wife; Nanak, she is
the queen of them all.
She is saturated with pleasure, intoxicated with happiness,
and day and night absorbed in His love.
She is beautiful and fair to view, accomplished, and it is
she alone who is wise." (Tilang Mohalla 1, p-722)
On hearing this Sabad, Nurshah and her companions fell at the feet of the Guru and asked for
forgiveness and
blessing to obtain salvation. The Guru told them to repeat God's Name conscientiously, perform their
duties, renounce magic and thus they would secure salvation. It is said that they became Guru's followers.
After a
short stay he departed leaving behind the awakened souls,to carry on his Divine mission